Slip ups

So last night I got home very late, I was absolutely starving. I will say that yesterday was planned until I had a family crisis, I stayed on plan but ate my lunch very late. I was so hungry but stuck to plan. When I finished lunch at 6pm I was still hungry. But I planned on eating again when I got home. Unfortunately I didn’t get home till 11pm. I made the decision to get a takeaway. I ordered wisely, I got a taco chip and chicken tenders between myself and my partner. 

The difference with this week versus every other week is, I am determined. One off plan meal doesn’t mean I can’t get a loss on the scales. Before one off plan meal would spiral, I already messed up so one more chocolate bar won’t matter, or I’ll just restart next week, this week is ruined. Not anymore!  I have a gym class planned for tonight. It is something I really enjoy, it will help me get 100% back on plan. 

I started this morning with an omlette made with ham and 2 slices of wholemeal toast. I have the rest of the days meals planned and ready to go. 

Today is hump day for me, day 4 is always tough as I weigh on a Thursday. Also today is Monday and they suck anyway. But with preparation and motivation this week will be different to other weeks. 

Happy Monday everyone! 

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